
Mike Ridderhof's research has a timespan of over 1400 years and 40 generations. More than 5000 individual ancestors have been traced from all over Europe. The majority of them come from current-day Netherlands and Belgium, including the possible direct Dutch ancestors of the Roosevelts. Each individual carries a personal story, showing the challenges of their days. Sometimes very visible - people displaced or killed by wars, plague or floods - sometimes less visible.


Besides the Dutch and Flemish ancestors, there are ancestors from all over Europe. Due to political, economic, religious or romantic reasons, their descendents found their war to the current-day Netherlands. Famous people among these ancestors are El Cid, William the Conquerer, Jaroslav the Wise of Kiev, Leo VI Sophos and Charlemagne. There are less famous people including a second lieutenant of Napoleon's border customs, prisoner 222 of the galleys in Antwerp, an envoy to England on behalf of the Prince of Orange and numerous farmers, tradesmen and millers. 


Mike Ridderhof's personal research can be downloaded here:


Pedigree chart 


Please feel free to use the information from this pedigree chart for your own research. Information on the sources can be provided by e-mail. When using, a reference would be most appreciated, as well as any additional information you could provide.